Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Beginning

It recently occurred to me just how much money I waste at the grocery store when I do my weekly shopping. After watching several episodes of TLC's "Extreme Couponing," I was wary of the cut-throat lifestyle that many of these people seem to employ over their precious "coups." But after seeing their savings continue to reach startling new heights, I've decided it's incredibly foolish to not give this a try. We all have to have food and other necessities to survive. It helps to also have extra money to survive as well. And, I believe there is a way to do extreme couponing without allowing yourself to turn into a raving lunatic. So, I'm going to give it a shot. If it turns out to be enjoyable and I learn how to save more money, I will stick with it.

I am just now starting the beginning stages of getting organized and figuring out how to do this. I bumbled around on the good ol' net last night, and came across this website: She has organized an 8-week, step-by-step guide on how to successfully start up your own extreme couponing endeavor without feeling overwhelmed. She also has some good coupon sites posted as well.

This blog will be a means of helping me keep track of my progress, pitfalls, and coupon education. Enjoy!

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